Aug 26, 2022
This episode, Adam leads us in a discussion of the Ensemble cast-driven murder mystery comedy with a twist.
Was this anyone's favorite Tim Curry role? Does it have anything to do with Clue Master Detective? Find out here!
Aug 21, 2022
Sit back, and relax as Alison takes us through her thoughts, lists, likes/hates of all things movies with her new segment of The Cinemadness Podcast with Say Anything... With Alison.
On this very special episode, Alison takes us through her Top 10 Movies/Scenes in which she thinks would be fun to replace one actor with...
Aug 8, 2022
Sit back, and relax as Alison takes us through her thoughts, lists, likes/hates of all things movies with her new segment of The Cinemadness Podcast with Say Anything... With Alison.
This episode, Alison takes us through her Top 10 favorite scenes in movie involving food and cooking. Did your favorite scene make the...